Rain and fresh spring in Gardanne (Bouches du Rhône) and only 2 Devon Rex to Mrs Catherine Curtil (Cattery of the Caramy) but with good results:
Rexintense MéNé dit Muse: 1 point CAC and 1 POINT CACIB and nominated at the BIS on 2 days + special price and 3rd in the Special cats with white plume (there were
Rexintense Matisse: its CAC points on 2 days and 1 Special price on Saturday.
The opportunity also to promote the Devon Rex and the Aedrex to the microphone
Sun present but rare visitors, the fault at another animal event at 10 km, 4 Devon Rex were presented in judgments
Rexintense Mene called Muse to Catherine Curtil (cattery du Caramy) made her 2 points
Champion and Best Variety on Saturday.
Marjolaine du Caramy to Catherine Curtil was in kitten 6/10 months Excellent 1 on 2 days and Best Variety on Saturday.
Rexintense Lullaby at Coline Borel (Rexintense cattery) made his 2 points for the title of Champion, Best
Variety and Best in Show the 2 days,
Rexintense Matyt to Coline Borel made his 2 points Champion and Best Variety the 2 days.
Congratulations !!
The show of Tours saw 10 Devon Rex in representation and several winners: our member Valérie Coclin with Rexintense Manet
climbed the podium on the 2 days:
- Saturday 11 March: excellent 1 in kitten 6/10 months, Nominated Best In Show
- Sunday March 12: excellent 1 kitten 6/10 months, Best Variety, Best In Show. Congratulations !
This is result of Show in Aubagne (13) October 15 & 16 in wich 2 breeders-members of Aedrex participed :
Only 3 Devon Rex present but have filled us up pride his hand on the top step of the podium :
Penate's Lucette at Christophe Peccoux : Best variety, Best in Show adult, Best of Best short hair 2 days & Suprem Best Sunday,
Rexintense Matisse (4 1/2 months) Coline Borel breeder, and owner Catherine Curtil : Best variety 2 days,
Rexintense Méné alias Muse (5 months) at C. Borel and C. Curtil, Best variety, Best in Show 2 days.
a fabulous weekend for the race Devon Rex !!!
Cécile Bally (Cattery Caladan)with Dominique Guyader (cattery Diblev) with his kitten Devon Rex : Lizieg Noyalo Gwen DIBLEV*FR, exc 1 the 2 days. And pub of Aedrex ! thanks !
Diblev cattery who shows on FIFe exhibitions, was at Nantes with her white girl Jade. She get her third CAC, and now she is Champion. She also get a Best In Show for category 3 (SH). This was her last feline show, congratulations to her and Dominique her owner!
Encore un sympathique week end d'exposition passé en jugement traditionnel LOOF et international TICA. De nombreux chats, comme le veut la réputation de cette exposition, mais moins de représentants de la race Devon Rex que d'habitude. L'exposition était l'occasion de la remise des Award, ce qui a attiré un nombre important de chats très récompensés et particulièrement bien côtés ! D'où une concurrence ardue pour nos Devon adorés. 5 représentants se sont bien battus.
- Rexintense Lullaby a fait en classe chaton : Exc 1, BIV, nom BIS (9ème et 3ème chaton en TICA) le samedi, et Exc 1, nom BIS (8ème, 9ème et 10ème chaton en TICA) le dimanche. Nikita Happymiau*PL a obtenu 2 CAGCI, BIV et nom BIS (8ème et 9ème adulte) les deux jours.
- Lovely du Caramy seulement jugements TICA : 2ème de race sur les 5 rings kitten, et Rexintense Jalna a fait son dernier point Champion et son premier CACIB en LOOF et en TICA 3/5 rings : 1ère de race et 3 finales Allbreed (5è, 6è et 7è).
Bravo à Coline Borel et Catherine Curtil, les propriétaires respectives !
Notre Spéciale d'élevage Chartres 2015 a été exceptionnelle à plusieurs titres : elle a marqué notre 1ère Spéciale d'Elevage pour l'AEDREX et un nombre record de Devon Rex réunis : 26, du jamais vu même en Angleterre (berceau de la race) d'après les dires d'une des 2 juges et une belle qualité des chats présentés.
Merci à tous les participants, éleveurs et sympathisants présents,
Merci aux juges : Pascale Portelas et Yvonne Kleijn pour leur disponibilité et leur gentillesse,
Merci au club organisateur : l'AFPL et à Mme et Mr Leterrier pour leur efficacité et leur sourire !
L'organisation a été réussie autour de l'évènement avec de beaux cadeaux et un apéritif offerts par notre Club : nous sommes certains que tous les participants ont été ravis !! À
très bientôt à tous !
Vive le Devon Rex❤❤
Résultats de la Spéciale : 1er : Peccoux Christophe avec Penate's Lucette, et 2ème avec
Indra du Royal Palace, 3ème Guyader Dominique avec Laita D'An Awen Gwen Diblev, 4ème Curtil Catherine avec Rexintense Jalna, 5ème Bariteau Clothilde avec Lily-Putienne du Jardin
de Caz, 6ème Guyader D. avec Letti Stang Ar Ster Diblev, 7ème Tabourot Nathalie avec Héloïse du
Caramy, 8ème Lunetta Idrisia avec Lancelot du Comté de Sart, 9ème Bariteau Clothilde avec Loupiot du Jardin de Caz, 10ème Bariteau Clothilde avec Irrésistible Pin-Up des Princes du Devon.
Résultats des BIS Devon Rex : BIS 3/6mois femelle Lily-putienne des Jardins de Caz (Bariteau C.), BIS 3/6 mâle Laita D'An Awen Gwen Diblev (Guyader D.), BIS 6/10 mois femelle Penate's Lucette (Peccoux C.), BIS adulte Femelle Indra du Royal Palace (Peccoux
Le BEST OF BEST poils courts a été remporté par Penate's Lucette (C.
Peccoux) : Bravo ! Jusqu'à présent il était rare de voir un Devon Rex sur la + haute marche du podium, mais ce n'est qu'un début !
The little Jade de la Soie Lyonnaise grew up and has been showed on adult class. She get 2 CAC, congratulations to her and her owner Dominique from Diblev cattery!
Show on spring sun and many races of cats and 2 Devon Rex of Catherine Curtil (chatterie du Caramy) : Jouvence du Caramy 2 points de CAGCI, Best Variety et nom. Bis 2 days & 9th of Spécial short hair the saturday.
Jaime du Caramy last point Champion & 1st CACIB.
public has very interessed by our race.
Exposition with Special "nudes and rexes": partners Aedrex & Sphynx Club.
Un soleil italien timide pour cette expo mais beaucoup de chats en présentation, sur 2 étages et de nombreux visiteurs :
- Catherine Curtil (Chatterie du Caramy) : sa Devon Gwada de Laf a fait son dernier point CAC et son 1er CACIB le dimanche, nominée au BIS (jugements Fifé : ce sont les assesseurs qui présentent les chats pour le jugement et la remise des best).
- Annie Hennequin (sympathisante) : son Devon Génial du Caramy a fait son dernier point CAC et son 1er CACIB le dimanche, accompagné de son Devon inséparable Réglisse (mâle noir castré) hors concours.
Le public italien a été conquis par nos Devon Rex.
- Carole Palun and her 2 cats Ilsa de la Rivière des Marsouins & Irrésistible Tristan de la Rivière des Marsouins both got their 3rd CAP, so they became champion!! They also had been nom BIS & BIS (for Ilsa)!! Congrats to both of them.
- Clothilde & Manu Bariteau presented: Monroe Stephanie Grande Cranbery (3-6 months old class), she did Ex1; and Irrésistible Pin-Up des Princes du Devon got a CACIB. Congratulations to all the Devon!
A "rare cats" special where Devon Rex were superstars!
- Clothilde & Manu Bariteau with Irrésistible Pin-Up des Princes du Devon: 2 CAC and 8th at the "rare cats" special.
- Clo & Manu with Fanta Faustine des Lutins du Devon: 1 CAC, BV, nom BIS and 1st at the "rare cats" special on saturday and 1 CACIB on sunday.
- Clo & Manu with their last babygirl Monroe Stephanie Grande Cranbery: two Exc 1 3/6 months kitten class.
A lot of cats of various breeds and other countries participated to the show (220 total registered & 140 on TICA, a world guiness cat count for adults: until 111 cats!). So a hard competition!
- Fred Llanos & H'Joy Junior de Luxe: 7 TICA finals (2nd/2nd/3rd/3rd/3rd/3rd/4th), CACIB both days, BV, nom BIS on saturday & BIS on sunday. 2nd of the naked & curly special on saturday.
- Christophe Peccoux & Golden Elf Tiffani: 1 TICA final (9th), CACIB on sunday.
- Caty Curtil & Gaya: 2 CAC.
- Caty Curtil & Illico du Caramy: 3 TICA kittens finals (8th/10th/10th), Ex1 & nom BIS both days & BV on sunday, 6th at the naked & curly special on saturday.
- Coline Borel & Nikita HappyMiau*PL: 5 TICA adults finals (8th/9th/9th/9th/10th) & 3rd at the SH females congress; 2 Ex1 kittens 6-10 months, 2 BIS & 2 BOB! 4th at the naked & curly special on saturday.
Congratulations to our members for these wonderful results!
The results of our 2 members who participated:
- Christophe Peccoux (Penate's cattery) with her beautiful Golden Elf Tiffani was on 6 TICA Adult AB finals /12 (2nd, 3rd, 7th twice and 10th twice). On LOOF judgment: 2 CACIB and 2 BV and nominated at BIS on Sunday. White and silver cat special where she finished 1st!!
- Fred Llanos (sympathizer) with H'Junior de Luxe, his Cornish Rex were on 12 Adult Allbreed finals and obtain many other awards during this 2 days.
Congratulations for these excellent results!
There was a great special "Devon rex, Cornish Rex and Sphynx" on sunday.
- The lovely babygirl of Clothilde Bariteau (Des Jardins de Caz cattery) did a good job on both 2 days:
Irrésistible Pin-Up des Princes du Devon were Nom BIS SH, and were 3/10 at the special among the best 10 Devon/Cornish/Sphynx.
- The 2 adorable Devon Rex of Carole Palun:
Ilsa de la Rivière des Marsouins and Irrésistible Tristan de la Rivière des Marsouins obtained the CAP.
Huge congratulations to our 2 members for the nice results of their Devon rex at this show!
Here the link for all the results of the show:
On October 12 & 13, Toulouse was organizing a big Show with 12 TICA rings and 2 LOOF judgments, on the theme : the American Wild West.
On Saturday, there was a special "out of standards" (with Rex and Sphynx) sponsored by the AEDREX.
Fred Llanos (a sympathising member with a Cornish Rex) and our breeders of Caramy, and Penate's took part in the show and were rewarded.
- TICA results : Finales All breeds : Golden Elf Tiffani, a white female owned by Christophe Peccoux, and Fred Llanos's Cornish Rex H'Joy de Luxe.
Finales mixed breeds : Henry du Royal Palace (Christophe Peccoux) and Hagrid du Caramy (Catherine Curtil)
LOOF results : Tiffani and Hagrid (BV) Best supreme for F Llanos and his fabulous H'Joy. Congratulations !
Special "out of standards" (11 cats) 1st : H'Joy / 3rd : Tiffani and 9th Henry.
Our Predident, Catherine Curtil, took this opportunity to promote our association, the AEDREX, offering the visitors the possibility to see a few devon rex, which is quite usual in shows.
The AEDREX sponsored a final adults short hair (SH) in ring TICA on Saturday, offering beautiful presents to the 10 best.
Our members supporters, (Nathalie Tabourot, Fred Llanos and Amandine Dransart) and our breeders (Caramy, Penate's and Rexintense) took part to the Show and achieved good results:
- TICA results:
- LOOF results:
After a first show at the Champerret Special (April 27-28), where her Héloïse was awarded, Nathalie Tabourot, an AEDREX supporter, was participating last week-end to the St-Etienne FIFé Show.
Héloïse was the only Devon Rex at St -Etienne exhibit and again she was nominated Best in show on Sunday, and she finished 2nd Best of Best.
Congratulations !
The AEDREX was present in Paris Champerret cat Exhibition with 8 Devon Rex, whose 4 were nominated at Best and 3 to Best in Show:
- Nominated Best in show category male 6-10 month: Heliot Ness du Caramy
- Best in Show kitten 6-10 month: Heloise du Caramy
- Best in Show Female entire: Orphéade Hévéa
- Best in Show Female neutered: Orphéade Hozanna.
One Devon Rex born in one AEDREX's breeder was also awarded :- Best in Show male neutered: Goblin de la Rivière des Marsouins.
Devon Rex had shined today in Paris and meet a real success with the public! Thanks to all Participants and visitors for this wonderfull moment of conviviality and sharing.
17 Devon Rex were represented at the Devon Rex special of this FIFe show:
- Best adult male: Oligold's Reglisse, black (Annie Hennequin)
- Best adult female: Phu Quoc's Sweet Lucy, white (Renata Lorenzi)
- Best kitten 6-10 months: Rarex Tapioca, tortie point female (Sandra Arnolfo)
- Best kitten 3-6 months: Rex Runner's Van Helsing, white male (Renata Lorenzi).